They Arrived! The Fabulous Five arrived on Oct. 9. 3 girls and 2 boys and one happy momma!
Oct. 9, 2019: Molly safely delivered 5 gorgeous puppies. Three girls and two boys! Purple and greem boys with their sisters pastel yellow, pink and purple...aka Ene, Mene, Mino, Mo and Potato!
We are absolutely in love! Follow us on Facebook for daily updates! We have one boy and one girl available from this litter at this time. The others are spoken for!
Our CKC Champion Labralyne's Molly was bred to MBISS AKC Grand Champion Mar-Moye Special Agent Gibbs from Horne's Labradors in Georgia, U.S.A. this August.
This litter is expected to be ready for their homes, at 8 weeks old, mid December.
For more information about the incredibly impressive "Gibbs", visit Horne's Labradors.
August 19, 2019 update: Breeding has been completed and we are awaiting (maybe not so patiently?!) Molly's 30 day pregnancy ultrasound to confirm the breeding took. Stay tuned for our announcement around Sept. 5!
Sept. 6, 2019 update: Day 28 of pregnancy confirmed via ultrasound!
Sept. 24, 2019 update: Molly was xrayed today to see if we could count puppies, but we are a bit too early (a little excited I guess!). Her whelping area is ready and we are ready for puppy arrival! She is definitely slowing down while those puppies keep baking inside her!
Oct. 1, 2019 update: Day 53 of pregnancy: We did a repeat xray today and think we count 6 puppies!
Oct. 7, 2019: Molly is heavy with her puppies now at 60 days. Very soon they should be making their grand entrance! She is officially on lockdown in her whelping room or with us 100% of the she likes...and one she doesn't! Whelping room has been nickname puppy prison haha.
Oct. 9, 2019: Molly safely delivered 5 gorgeous puppies. Three girls and two boys! Purple and greem boys with their sisters pastel yellow, pink and purple...aka Ene, Mene, Mino, Mo and Potato!
We are absolutely in love! Follow us on Facebook for daily updates!
December 31, 2019: Happy New Year! Our first litter of puppies are settling into their new homes and getting to know their wonderful families. We have kept little purple girl, named her Spright, LilyWing's Sunshine Inspired, and will begin her show career at the end of January at the Evelyn Kenny Kennel Club Show and Puppy Sweeps in Calgary!
Spright is available to a family in the Edmonton area that is interested in partnering with us for her show and breeding career. Email or call today to discuss details!
We are also planning for our next litter for spring 2020, and you can watch for updates on our next litter's page!

Multiple Best in Specialty Show Grand Champion Mar-Moye Special Agent Gibbs from Horne's Labradors, Georgia, USA. Pictured, with permission, above and below.